Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Tigers Send a Talent to the Mustangs
Piero Lévano a senior at Rock Springs High School in Rock Springs WY has committed to play for the WWCC Mustangs for the 2013 fall season. Piero is a forward or a midfield player who has just moved to Rock Springs from Illinois. Piero can play any of the attacking positions whether it be forward, left or right midfield or attacking midfield. He is smooth on the ball with many moves and tricks. His passing is superb and his placement on his shots is very impressive. Even though he was only with RSHS for one season he was a captain on the team. Piero also played for the Illinois FC before he moved west with his family. Originally from Peru, Piero has adapted very well to the United States and should be a very welcome attacking addition to the Mustangs. He scored one of the Tiger's goals in the 2013 WY state this last weekend. Piero should have a great season both on and off of the field and we expect him to. Congrats to Piero and his RSHS teammates for a great season; including a 2013 4A West Regional Tournament Runners-up and participants in the 2013 4A WY State Tournament, playing in 3 matches.